Canon EOS-1Ds Mark III__EF70-200mm f/2.8L USM__1/45 sec at f / 16__ISO 400

Aspen and approaching storm, Conway Summit, California  2010

I have been spending time today catching up with post-processing my images from last weekend.  My style leans strongly towards making detailed and intimate views of the landscape.  Giving the conditions of an approaching Sierra storm, I widened out to include trees, mountains and clouds.  I experienced amazing light here at Conway Summit, as well as at sunrise on Mono Lake

The image made here was made last Friday, with two exposures blended in PS5.  The highlights on the clouds were just too bright to record with just a “normal” exposure of the aspens.

I will be posting more new images from last weekend soon.  I can’t remember when I made so many new images that I am excited about, especially on a short 24 hour trip over to Mono Lake.  We drove over the pass on Friday morning, and had to head back again Saturday morning in order to get through Tioga Pass just as the snowstorm closed the road.

Enjoy!  Stay tuned for some new Impressions of Light images of aspen and Mono Lake!


William Neill’s Yosemite: Volume One